About Merey
Hi, I’m Merey and welcome to Merey Go Round!
Okay, so, upon sitting down to write my About Me, one of my least favorite questions popped into my head…
“What are your hobbies?”
This is the same question that I tailored answers to while filling out my college applications. The very same question that I fabricated answers to during job interviews upon entering the “Real World.”
Or wait – that same question that is asked while on a first date (Side Note: Today’s dating scene is a very very scary place).
NAILS ON A MOTHER – FREAKING CHALKBOARD am I right!? No one ever really wants to admit their hobbies.
For example, these would be mine:
Hi, I’m Merey I love Brunch and would never run a marathon “for fun.”I also have an obsession with Golden Retrievers, all things Real Housewives… and all things Reality TV for that matter!
Do I sound shallow?
Okay, how about this?
Hi, I’m Merey, and I have a complete and utter passion to inspire others to live their best life yet, STARTING NOW.
The intentions of this site, is to take you along on my journey thus far – which includes me recently quitting a career that I knew was completely wrong for me in order to pursue my dreams… RISKY, RIGHT!?
I also want to discuss how I manage what can be, at times, debilitating anxiety.
Lastly, as someone who has a chronic autoimmune disease (Lupus), I want to provide you with an insight into how a positive lifestyle has made all the difference for my physical and mental well-being.
Ultimately, my goal is to inspire others to build POSITIVITY, AUTHENTICITY and HUMOR to help them gain CONFIDENCE within themselves to pursue their passions and purposes in life.
Is that better?!
Growing up, as a wee little Merey I just knew that I wanted to be some sort of “personality” within the entertainment world.
I had a loud mouth and wasn’t afraid to use it. Like literally in my Kindergarten play we had to be a body part and I was chosen to dress as ”The Mouth.”To further paint a picture, at 6 years old I would wake up early and in my purple plush robe, would drink coffee while watching I love Lucy and The Nanny re-runs for hours. Not to mention that I also wrote a script for a sitcom at the age of 8 and had all my friends star in it. It was called “Change of Hearts.”
Okay – picture painted of how I always wanted to be something in entertainment.
I was born and raised on the East Coast, in a small town outside of Philadelphia but now just like Frank Sinatra, I now proudly call Hoboken, New Jersey my home.
“Alexa play… New York, New York”
I like to think I “thrived” (more like survived) while attending the #1 Party school, West Virginia University or as I like to say “Cheers, Beers and my Formative Years.”
The goal I have for my page is to inspire anyone and everyone who cares to listen to learn about my journey on the path to happiness in the hopes that they, too, can find their own happiness!
The moment I realized that my happiness is solely my responsibility and that relying on someone or something else to make you happy is IRRESPONSIBLE was when I began changing my life for the better. I now focus on the power of living POSITIVELY and AUTHENTICALLY.
Understanding these topics can get heavy, of course we will use HUMOR and POP CULTURE references along to way to lighten the mood. And, well… to be honest, I LOVE CELEBRITIES and truly believe laughter is the best MEDICINE.
Fear will always be there, but I challenge fear, and I haven’t regretted it yet. Case in point, recently quitting my safe “corporate” job in order to pursue my dreams.
So here we are!Here is my real life journey!
And on one last note – work with me here – this is coming from a girl who has had an extreme case of ADD/ADHD along with a Non-Verbal Learning disability her entire life, meaning..
Grammar Police, NEED NOT APPLY.
Or as I like to say: “There, Their, They’re”, who really cares?” Okay, yes. I am actively working on my spelling and Grammar (shout out to Grammarly) but please work with me here.
I like to consider myself a “Truthful and Authentic Story Teller” who is just here to converse with anyone who cares to listen. This is a Stream of Consciousness so to speak, but a little more structured in an effort to get the message across.
I am no F. Scott Fitzgerald. I am Just Merey, but I feel like I have a lot to say, and want to do so creatively and in a way that maybe has never been done before!
The best is yet to come and I look forward to experiencing the journey with you all!