Pool Picture with Rose Gucci Sunglasses

Can’t Stop Laughing

The Best Medicine 

 Seafood and Facials

Prior to quarantine last fall, my parents and I went down to Avalon, NJ for the annual Seafood Festival (Lol) and my mom surprised me with a spa day- where we would get some facials. 

Seafood and facials how groundbreaking!?!?


As I was getting my facial I was talking to the esthetician ( yes- I talk during massages to, I hate being silent- call me weird but silence isn’t relaxing for me- and yes i am the worlds worst nightmare for an introvert on a elevator as well lol.)


Anyways- we were talking, and she asked me “do you laugh a lot”? I found the question very intriguing- as I would say that if you asked me my favorite thing in the world it simply would be (aside from my family and friends) – LAUGHTER.

There is no moment more present for me than when I am laughing. It’s an all encompassing feeling- that warms my soul and makes me feel a purpose in this world, and more importantly in those individual moments!! 


Okay- so we get it I LOVE TO LAUGH- but what do I love almost more then laughing myself!?!? That would be making others laugh- – so within the “laughing spectrum”, but you get the picture- LAUGHING is the best medicine.


Anyways- I answered to her and said “yes I laugh all the time!”


Take a Step Back 

 When I initially walked in- as someone who has always been blessed to have good skin (until recently having breakouts- hello adulthood) I never had to think much about skincare. I simply asked “so any damage on the face, anything wrong with me?”


  So in that context she said- the reason I asked you if you laughed a lot and to follow up on your question before of “any damage, anything wrong”? – she’s like I would say “no” but you do have “crows-feet” forming, but those form from squinting (which couldn’t  be me because I wear sunglasses in winter) or from you guessed it- – LAUGHING.


So our conversation turned so interesting, because for so many people they may see crows- feet as “damage” or something that needs fixed, but for me in that moment, I saw them as one of the most beautiful parts about me- because it represents all my moments of happiness, and being present, and enjoying moments- through laughter.


I will take my crows feet and all the laughs any day over anything else.


My idea of perfection is imperfection and owning everything I have overcome in life, and by using laughter as my medicine I have the “crows” to prove it.


In conclusion, *Cue* “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”


“Everyone sees the world through their own eyes, and with that we shouldn’t allow the world to define for us what we think beauty is we should define for the world what beauty is to us.”


Love yourself endlessly, laugh always and be your most authentic self.







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