• It’s Okay to Be Scared

    “It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” I came across this quote recently, and it really resonated with what I was feeling in life at that time, and honestly where I am STILL FEELING, and I know that the same holds true for many. Challenging Yourself All of this may seem so…

  • Comparison is the Thief of Joy

    Think “Keeping Up with the Jones’” or I guess at this point truly “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” Social Media: The Good and The Bad I know, I know… this topic may seem extremely OFF-BRAND, as I am a self-proclaimed lover of social media and my entire livelihood revolves around Merey-Go-Round. While I personally find that social media is an…

  • Living Life With Lupus

    Living Life with Lupus   This post is dedicated to all of my Lupus and Auto-immune Warriors in specific, but for anyone who day in and day out fights “invisible” battles, may you know that you are not alone, you are heard, and you are seen, I stand with you.  Side Note: IN true “Lupus Fashion” I had every intention of…