• In Avalon, NJ in wigs with friends for the Create Everyday post.

    Create Everyday

    Celebrate the Little Things Everyday The other day I realized that it’s been roughly six months since I first launched Mereygo-Round. I know that- to many people this may not seem like a milestone or notable accomplishment, but for me the blog almost didn’t happen MANY, MANY times because of FEAR. Fear of what others would think, Fear of what…

  • The Underdog blog post picture.

    The UnderDog

    “To Stand Out from the Crowd Requires You To Stand Up and Stand for What You Believe In. “ THE UNDERDOG. My family likes to joke with me that I always root for the underdog in every scenario. Whether It’s the housewife who has a bad edit one season and the other wives are ganging up (hello LVP last season…