• Winter Blues Blues Blues

    “Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do.” First a few disclaimers as this post covers some heavy topics. ** Disclaimer** I am by no means a medical professional, and if you feel like you need to seek professional help, do so. **Disclaimer** Having any type of mental illness or disability is absolutely NOT a weakness. For us East Coasters in the thick…

  • #BirthofMerey Volume 28

    #BirthofMerey Volume 28

    Alexa Play, “In Da Club” by 50 Cent. Okay, okay I know I sound dated but honestly, this song NEVER gets old especially during my birthday WEEK. Yes, I said WEEK (at least I don’t make it a month). On a side note, due to Christmas I actually can’t make it a month, but let’s not go off on a tangent…