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The UnderDog

“To Stand Out from the Crowd Requires You To Stand Up and Stand for What You Believe In. “


My family likes to joke with me that I always root for the underdog in every scenario. Whether It’s the housewife who has a bad edit one season and the other wives are ganging up (hello LVP last season of RHOBH) or in a world where everyone watches Grease – I choice to watch Grease 2 (with Michelle Pfeiffer.) I mean how can you not?!?

Have you ever felt bad for the losing team even if your team won??? (minus the Patriots or Tom Brady of course!)

  The Underdog.

Do you just love a good comeback story? Think January 1993, The Buffalo Bills had the most historical comeback in NFL history against the (then) Houston Oilers. I remember watching ESPN in awe, and always keep this comeback in the back of my mind, when I think my Steelers fate is sealed.

A Comeback is always possible..

for the UNDERDOG. 


Empathy and The Underdog

Empathy, Is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.  What we are currently experiencing in the world right now- is a complete and dire need for more people to tap into their empathetic sides in order for us to implement change and to gear our future generations for success.

We saw it with Corona, and now most recently with the BLM Protests of the dangers of what can happen by simply not being able to empathize with others.

For example, if you didn’t know anyone personally who contracted the Corona-Virus, can you admit that maybe you didn’t take the precautions as seriously- because well maybe it didn’t directly affect you? (obviously corona has impacted us all on some level.)

As for the BLM Protests and movement that is currently going on- how many of us can honestly say that we didn’t realize there was this level of racism still in the US?

I know that I can personally say I wasn’t aware of the level of Systematic Racism that has burdened and been detrimental to  the African American Community, and the simple reason – bluntly put is I wasn’t aware racism was such an issue in the US as it wasn’t directly effecting me.

Listen, we all know that the key to moving forward is education and conversations, and to not stay silent in the name of inequality.

I also think another component that will assist us in our journey moving forward is adapting to the idea of rooting for the underdog, and trying to empathize with anyone and everyone going through a rough time as we have all experienced that in varying degrees throughout our lives.

Becoming Who You are Meant to Be

During these past three months of quarantining and social isolation, we have seen many, many millions of people who lost their jobs as a result of the Corona- Virus.

As we know often people define themselves and their life’s purpose by the work that they do, so during these past few months many of us have lost a sense of our purpose, and a sense of doing what sparks joy into our lives.

Although this is completely out of our control, we are still seeking to find purpose and passion in life. With that I challenge you to be kind and to work on expressing empathy with everyone suffering in life.

There is something magical about helping others, or being kind to others which can spark a whole new purpose into our lives. I think now more than ever we need positivity and for us to band together and to support one another.

There is enough success and happiness in life for everyone to have a piece of it, we don’t need to bring others down- to build ourselves up, in fact we should be focusing on just the opposite. Let’s work on building and growing together as one UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


Self -Awareness and Empathy

Self- Awareness is defined as conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.

Time, we have way too much of it on our hands now which means we have way too much time in our own heads as well.

It’s only human to think about your own problems and the problems effecting you directly- I mean if you aren’t caring for yourself first- how can you possibly care for others!? I get that.

With that however, I do encourage all of us to maybe take this time to look outside of just “our own problems” and to truly reflect on our problem as a society- and to learn to empathize and to work with others, even when the problem(s) doesn’t directly seem to affect us.


I am confident that we will come together as a whole, and will pave the way for a great future for ourselves and future generations to come, starting NOW.


“Life’s Most Persistent and Urgent Question Is, What Are You Doing For Others?” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



From one Underdog to another, I am rooting for you all.





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