Defining Boundaries
How to Know When A Friendship Has Turned Toxic “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.” – Brene Brown Defining Boundaries “Boundaries are basically about providing structure and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.” – Henry Cloud A plus side within the pandemic or one “silver…
Toxic Positivity
“Good Vibes Only”, “2021 Let’s Bring It”, “It Will All Be Okay” “Just Be Positive.” The definition of the coined phrase Good Vibes Only, has been a vital foundation to the way in which I live my life, but often I think this phrase and the lifestyle it hints at – can be misinterpreted and can leave us with negative…
What Are We So Afraid Of?
“People are sometimes more willing to accept the pain they know than to face the fear of things they don’t”- Bruce Schneider The more and more I get into my Life Coach Program, and through years of self work on myself- the more I hear the term “fear” used almost interchangeably with anxiety. What I then realized, and this…
Happy Birthday Mom!
Life Lessons From My Mom “No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.” – Christine Watson This post is dedicated to my mom, MJ for her birthday (November 21st). MJ is my best friend and the Matriarch and rock of our family and deserves all the love in the world- so send her…