A Letter to the World
Our true nationality is mankind. -H.G. Wells Current State of Union I would be the biggest fraud in the entire world if I decided to not speak out on what is currently going on in the United States of America- so here we are. I hate that George Floyd was killed. I hate that RACISM still exists. I hate that…
Cheers, Beers and My Formative Years, Go EERS!
“The work never ends but college does.” – Tom Petty I will keep this post short and sweet, just like my time in college. In all honesty, one of my regrets in life is graduating on time, you’re welcome Mom and Dad. STAY IN SCHOOL though kids! I do however want to pay a due to one of the places…
Projections, Rejections and Haters, OH MY! Part Two
When I originally wrote this post I wanted to cover all three topics, but as I was writing I was just too passionate and decided to break them up into Part one and Part two. Part two, “Rejections” is a topic that probably affects me most in my life and is therefore the most personal for me to write about.…
Projections, Rejections and Haters, OH MY! Part One
In all of my posts, I try to capture the exact way I’m feeling at that moment in time, whether I was influenced by a conversation, a connection based on a social media post, or any other relevant life experiences I think might be helpful to write about. I feel as though these three topics relate to ALMOST EVERYONE, and…