Everything is Opening Up, Now What?!
The New Normal I’m sure I cannot be the only one who doesn’t necessarily understand exactly what opens in Phase One Verse say Phase Three or what going in “Green” or “Yellow” phase means, because well it seems to change every day and varies county to county and state to state, but here we are! I mean LOTS AND LOTS…
Sister, Sister
You may be as different as the Sun and the Moon, But the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you. – George R. R. Martin My First Roommate There is no rule book written for how to handle a Global Pandemic, however what I have been trying to do is to take…
The Quality of your Life is the Quality of your Relationships
“Cutting People Out of Your Life Doesn’t Mean You Hate Them, It Simply Means You Respect Yourself. Not Everyone is Meant to Stay.” Toxic Friendships: When to fight for it verse when to leave I just went through this exact situation, and I know that many others can also relate, as I recently put up a poll on my Instagram…