I Have Anxiety, Now What!?!? Part Two
Comparison is The Thief of Joy Following up on last week’s blog we are still talking ALL THINGS ANXIETY, as many of us who either experience and suffer from anxiety know or if we have a loved one who suffers- we know ANXIETY AIN’T GOING NOWHERE- but we can sure as hell FIGHT BACK! Last week’s blog focused on adapting…
I Have Anxiety, Now What!?!? Part One
Living Happily and With Anxiety I know, I know the title of this blog post seems so CHAOTIC, as anyone with anxiety reading this will say- HOW COULD ANXIETY POSSIBLY BE ANYTHING OTHER THEN THE WORST THING EVER!?!?! HEAR ME OUT.. ANXIETY, I LOATHE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BEING. Anxiety BECAUSE OF YOU I ALSO KNOW I CAN…
Create Everyday
Celebrate the Little Things Everyday The other day I realized that it’s been roughly six months since I first launched Mereygo-Round. I know that- to many people this may not seem like a milestone or notable accomplishment, but for me the blog almost didn’t happen MANY, MANY times because of FEAR. Fear of what others would think, Fear of what…
My Best Friend is Engaged, Now What!?!
Cheers, Beers, and Engaged EERS! How does one adequately put into words, how they feel when their best friend finds THEIR PERSON and they decide to both commit themselves to one another for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. Life truly doesn’t get better than these milestone moments, and for that I want to dedicate and take the time to congratulate…