It’s Okay to Be Scared
“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.”
I came across this quote recently, and it really resonated with what I was feeling in life at that time, and honestly where I am STILL FEELING, and I know that the same holds true for many.
Challenging Yourself
All of this may seem so obvious, and we may think that we have life figured out, but I will say it again, if you are not constantly challenging yourself, you simply cannot GROW. How many of us can actually say that we are doing so?
Remember Authenticity
Honestly, not until recently could I 100% say that I am stepping out of my comfort zone. Now, in doing so, I am trying to take on all different types of challenges, and I’ve already noticed the exponential growth within myself. It’s hard to explain the moment when everything starts to click in life, besides describing it as magical. There is a certain spark that happens when you really start believing in all that you are. A “spiritual glow-up” so to speak.
Sure, I am an OUTGOING, PEOPLE PERSON. But do you know what else I am? I am an ANXIOUS, OVER-ANALYZING, OVER-THINKING person.
Looking back on my life, I have absolutely zero regrets because I would not be where I am today without everything that has happened. HOWEVER…I look back at periods of my life, and understand that I was coasting by and settling into a life where I wasn’t taking many risks. Rather, it felt like life was just happening to me. Taking no ACCOUNTABILITY for any of my growth and having an awful attitude like the world owed me something.
NEWS FLASH: THE WORLD OWES YOU NOTHING, this is also called ENTITLEMENT (the worst!) Sure, it’s nice to be in a routine and it’s also nice to feel like you have things figured out in this crazy world, and I am not saying otherwise. If, however, you notice that you’re finding everything “just fine,” “oh yeah, my job is “fine,” my social life is “fine,” my relationship is “fine,” that’s where you have to be careful.
Think about goals you have for your life, are you working towards them? DO NOT settle for “just fine.” Okay, maybe things aren’t even “fine” and you are barely getting by, you aren’t risking anything or challenging yourself. In return you just complain and expect that life will magically hand you the life you always dreamed of. Unless you are a lottery winner this ain’t happening, also MONEY DOESN’T BUY HAPPINESS. How can one be truly happy or comfortable with themselves if they are too afraid to go after what they want in life?
You will never fail if you take a chance, because you took the chance!! FAILURE is not taking the chance.
Yes, I understand that the unknown is SCARY, trust me, I know, I am there! In my opinion there is ALMOST NOTHING (scratch that), THERE IS NOTHING more rewarding then taking the chance! Say the situation doesn’t pan out as you thought…this is what you gain; EXPERIENCE, CONFIDENCE and CLARITY about your next path.
Honestly, the lead-up to any hard decision is always the worst, we truly can get in our own heads, when in reality we should be our biggest cheerleaders!!!! Think about this, if you don’t believe in YOURSELF how can anyone ELSE? Trust yourself and listen to your intuition.
Sure, you may not know exactly where you should be at certain points, but when you’re going down the wrong path, your gut will always let you know, LISTEN to it. I truly believe that you cannot find your passions in life, until you try NEW things. If you think you want to do something, what’s stopping you from going after it? Life doesn’t just happen to you, life happens to those who challenge themselves, and step out of their comfort zone.
Okay, you know how I said I have no regrets in life? Well if I did, they would be all the chances and opportunities I did not take because I was scared! Any moment I look back on, and know that I really put myself out there, those are the moments that have led to true happiness for me, because those are the moments where I proved to myself that anything is possible and the only thing that will stop me is FEAR.
I will leave you with this.
- It’s more than okay to be SCARED
- It’s more than okay to FEAR the unknown
- Take the chance anyway

One Comment
Momma Bear
Living your motto is the best example.
You dare to follow your dreams….inspirational indeed.