Life Hacks I Wish I Knew, But Now YOU Do! Part One

While writing this post, I pictured myself being asked (and obviously accepting) to speak at a commencement ceremony for some renowned University (cough, West Virginia University, cough).

I also found inspiration while spiraling back into my 7th grade days during my holiday slump of laziness. I had been re-watching “One Tree Hill” and “Gossip Girl”. While obviously they are fictitious characters,  THERE IS SO MUCH I want to say to them all as they prepare to enter the real world. And to ALL OF YOU as well!

BTW, this article was so much fun to write, as I love LISTS and getting straight to the point! I live by them…to do lists, goals lists, affirmation lists, positive parts of day lists, etc etc. Lists are fun and leave little interpretation, and sometimes I wish I truly had known these “life hacks.” I decided that I wanted to separate this post into two sections. Part One will cover the top 10 things I wish I knew as a “blissfully unaware young adult” who thought she had it all figured out, upon entering the real world. Part Two will cover the top ten things I wish I knew when moving to NYC specifically, however it’s all relative (in my humble yet assertive opinion).

What I Wish I Knew or Listened To

1. Trial and Error
  • Don’t Eat Before Bed
    Mom you were right, you should never eat before bed. HELLO ACID REFLUX, literally fire burning my insides some days. It’s not a fake thing, it’s real and it sucks! Seriously, it only gets worse, don’t push the limits, your body has limits, and eventually how you treat it will catch up. Also, taking food to bed allows you to not be able to keep white bedding, or say you decide you’re adult enough to have white bedding back, it will have your friends plotting an intervention behind your back (true story)
2. Karma is Real
  • Sometimes we coast along and haven’t experienced the negative effects of negative behavior, but it’s real and you can’t hide from it. The energy you put out there is ultimately what your life will be comprised of. What goes around is EXACTLY what comes around. Be a good person, the thing people remember the most is how you treated them.
3. Always Ask Questions
  • If you don’t know the answer, ask the question. SIMPLE. Seriously there is no DUMB question. It takes about 3 seconds to ask, it takes a whole lot more to clean up a mistake you made by not asking. If someone rolls their eyes or is unwilling to answer, either they don’t know how to respond, or they are intimidated by your confidence. ALWAYS ASK THE QUESTION.
4. Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t take the risk
  • Usually if someone is stopping you from pursuing your dreams, it comes from a place of jealousy or regret that they never took a chance. TAKE THE CHANCE. Challenge yourself. It is the only way to GROW.
5. Be Authentic Always
  • Don’t let negative opinions alter how you act or who you are. You will attract an amazing group of people and amazing energy if so. Hurt People, Hurt People.
6. Find YOU first, then find someone to compliment you
7. Don’t cut your hair right after a break-up or traumatic life event
  • Take time to feel the feels. Don’t get bobs and bangs at the same time. Find honest friends.
8. Never allow a disability or hardship to taint your view of the world, instead use it to your advantage
  • You’ve been through a lot in life? Make the most of it in a positive way. Negative Energy attracts negative energy (misery loves company). We all go through shit, never let it be an excuse for poor behavior.
9. FIE, Family is Everything
  • Whether it’s biological or a group of soul mates you found in life, wherever you find your family or “home” put that above everything else. Siblings—only they know exactly how you both grew up, and that is an immeasurable bond. Cherish and protect these bonds at all costs.
10. If you want to post the picture, POST THE DAMN PICTURE
  • Stop caring so much about what other people think. If you have a vision, go after it! It only takes one person to believe in you (besides yourself) to make something happen. Live Fearlessly and Authentically AWAYS. If you believe in yourself enough, it won’t take long for others to BELIEVE.

I BELIEVE IN YOU ALL, GO AFTER whatever it is!!!!!!!!!!!
Part Two Coming Soon!



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