I Have Lupus, Now What!? The Story Behind the Making of MereyGo- Round
“When you have an invisible disease, the sickness itself isn’t the biggest problem. Trying to explain it to other people is.” I will come right out and say that this post will not be a sob story, rather like everything else it’s a part of my journey thus far, and I want to provide some insight into how I have decided to adapt to a positive lifestyle in order to be able to live my version of “My best life yet,” despite this life obstacle of Lupus. I truly believe that you can overcome mostly anything in life, as long as you have the right mindset. If nothing more, I…
What’s a Queen Without a King?
Historically speaking, MORE POWERFUL. BOOM that quote sends chills down my spine every time. Let’s dive right in… Reclaiming your self-worth Self-worth is defined as the opinion you have about yourself and the value you place on yourself. “Your value doesn’t decrease, based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” Honestly, I have tried and tried to have the perfect segway into this story, but I just don’t have one. This is just the RAW AND REAL story about one of those “life defining” moments when you realize your self-worth, so here we go. As someone who would identify as being a mostly confident person throughout my life, I became involved…
I Want to be Famous, Now What?
Alright people, sit down, pop an Addy, throw back a glass of rosé, take a puff of your brand fav CBD oil, or just enjoy life’s natural vibes…. Taking My Talents to the “Blog World” **A Few Disclaimers** Grammar Police NEED NOT APPLY. Listen, let’s be real. I admit I don’t know the difference between their, there and they’re. Who really cares?! The intentions of this blog come from a place of GOOD VIBES ONLY. I know sometimes people hide behind their keyboards, so if your intention is to try and rip me to shreds maybe—just maybe— you can learn about the benefits of good vibes in your life!!! I promise POSITIVITY…