• The Underdog blog post picture.

    The UnderDog

    “To Stand Out from the Crowd Requires You To Stand Up and Stand for What You Believe In. “ THE UNDERDOG. My family likes to joke with me that I always root for the underdog in every scenario. Whether It’s the housewife who has a bad edit one season and the other wives are ganging up (hello LVP last season…

  • Polka Dot Pajamas, red headband and two goldendoodles

    I Want To Be Productive, Now What?!

    “It’s Okay to Not be at your Most Productive during a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC” I posted this quote on my Instagram the second I saw it pop up in my feed, because well there was almost nothing I had seen that related to EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately quite like this, and the responses I received  after posting…

  • I Spilled Coffee on My SATS Now What?

    “Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it’s all small stuff.” – Richard Carlson Ever look back on something that you thought was the end of the world years later and laugh? That’s a YES for me, and I’m sure everyone can agree. While I am a firm believer in taking things one day at a time, or even one hour at…