• Polka Dot Pajamas, red headband and two goldendoodles

    I Want To Be Productive, Now What?!

    “It’s Okay to Not be at your Most Productive during a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC” I posted this quote on my Instagram the second I saw it pop up in my feed, because well there was almost nothing I had seen that related to EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately quite like this, and the responses I received  after posting…

  • What’s a Queen Without a King?

    Historically speaking, MORE POWERFUL. BOOM that quote sends chills down my spine every time. Let’s dive right in… Reclaiming your self-worth Self-worth is defined as the opinion you have about yourself and the value you place on yourself. “Your value doesn’t decrease, based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” Honestly, I have tried and tried to have the perfect segway…