Gaslighting, Verbal Abuse and Emotional Manipulation
Gaslighting; “Manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.” Within the past few years, I like to think largely due to the “ME Too Movement” as well as what I like to call the “Mental Health Movement”- even more so during the Global Pandemic and with politics we have all been made aware of the verbal, emotional…
Living Life With Lupus
Living Life with Lupus This post is dedicated to all of my Lupus and Auto-immune Warriors in specific, but for anyone who day in and day out fights “invisible” battles, may you know that you are not alone, you are heard, and you are seen, I stand with you. Side Note: IN true “Lupus Fashion” I had every intention of…
Toxic Positivity
“Good Vibes Only”, “2021 Let’s Bring It”, “It Will All Be Okay” “Just Be Positive.” The definition of the coined phrase Good Vibes Only, has been a vital foundation to the way in which I live my life, but often I think this phrase and the lifestyle it hints at – can be misinterpreted and can leave us with negative…
What Are We So Afraid Of?
“People are sometimes more willing to accept the pain they know than to face the fear of things they don’t”- Bruce Schneider The more and more I get into my Life Coach Program, and through years of self work on myself- the more I hear the term “fear” used almost interchangeably with anxiety. What I then realized, and this…