A Letter to the World
Our true nationality is mankind.
-H.G. Wells
Current State of Union
I would be the biggest fraud in the entire world if I decided to not speak out on what is currently going on in the United States of America- so here we are.
I hate that George Floyd was killed.
I hate that RACISM still exists.
I hate that INNOCENT BLACK LIVES are being lost and in danger.
I hate that INNOCENT PEOPLE are being lost or in danger.
I hate looting.
I hate violence.
I hate that people are living in fear.
I hate that people are divided.
The List goes on and on……There is so much HATE in our world.
Overall, I hate most of what is going on in our country right now and I too wish it wasn’t happening but IT IS and we have a moral obligation to not ignore it.
Why this Statement is Offensive
Ever have an incredibly shitty day and you try to confide in someone- and they say something along the lines of “it could be worse” or “you’re overreacting” or “well I had a bad day to it will be okay tomorrow”?
It’s MADDENING when someone belittles our feelings- am I right? It also gaslights you into thinking that you are overreacting and that somehow your feelings maybe aren’t valid- right?? And I’m merely talking about ONE BAD DAY.
Imagine growing up your ENTIRE life dealing with SYSTEMIC RACISM and when you finally decide “enough is enough” and find the courage to stand up in support of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, to only be met with ignorant comments such as;
Well “All Lives Matter.”
We are all human beings and YES we should all be treated EQUALLY but guess what???
In 2020 we are still not grasping the concept that everyone should be treated equally and that’s why we’re here, because all lives aren’t being treated equally.
There is a DIRE need to STOP this Inequality and the time is NOW.
So Yes, Karen
No one is telling you that your life matters less-then the life of perhaps a black person. The “Black Lives Matter” movement recognizes that historically the lives of our African-American citizens have been met with systemic racism- and for right now we are standing up to ensure that Black Lives are included in “ALL LIVES Matter”.
So essentially it likes the concept of wearing a face-mask during the pandemic- “ITS NOT ABOUT YOU.”
When you hear someone express “Black Lives Matter” don’t make it about you- instead LISTEN to them and LEARN from what you hear!
White Privilege
A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste.
is also being able to ignore what is going on because well it doesn’t affect you directly- for example RACISM in America.
White Privilege
Refers to the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political or economic circumstances.
White Privilege DOES NOT MEAN your life hasn’t been met with hardships and obstacles that you have had to overcome.
White Privilege DOES NOT MEAN you had your life handed to you on a silver platter.
White Privilege DOES MEAN that the color of your skin, has not been a contributing factor into why you’ve had obstacles and hardship’s in life.
Ignorance Is Bliss
Listen, ignorance is bliss and frankly well It’s always easier to turn a blind eye to issues that don’t affect you personally, but that’s a broken system as we have seen time after time and it always catches up to us- so I guess I beg to ask-is ignorance always bliss, in the large scheme of things?
I will relate back an example now of something I learned these past few months- while dealing with the Global Pandemic known as Corona- Virus that I think would be useful for us now when dealing with the protests.
That would be that the behaviors and actions of ourselves and others are so interconnected that in order to implement change we must all WORK TOGETHER.
While we may not realize it but our actions and behaviors they have consequences.
When thinking back on the past few months(hello corona)- “Helpless” is the word I would use to accurately describe how I have felt.
As a white female from a privileged background seeing what is going on I have often wondered “what can I do to help”?
I know many of us want to speak UP or OUT but simply don’t know where to start or what to say.
I know many of us support the need to protest but have expressed the desire for it to remain peaceful which I also understand.
I would like to HOPE that we all strive for PEACE in the world however we cannot have PEACE at the expense of RACISM and INEQUALITY.
What To Do
I have scrolled social media looking for ways to educate myself further, and for ways to do my part in the fight to stand up for those who are fighting for and/or experiencing inequality.
While Social Media has provided us with many different ways to be able to help out right now- the number #1 theme I have seen throughout is just to STAND UP against inequality in order to make a change.
TO STOP IGNORING IT just because it isn’t directly affecting you.
We are all HUMAN BEINGS in the UNITED STATES of America- THE “UNITED STATES” say that again- let’s UNITE.
So if you don’t have the words to say right now, or don’t know how to help- all I ask is that you don’t stand by idly and you don’t condemn those trying to stand up for injustice.
**Disclaimer* I am currently researching on my end and will put together a separate post that provides you with resources(books, documentaries, movies, donations etc) that we can utilize to further educate ourselves and to further fight for equality for ALL – but wanted to first speak OUT in solidarity.
Truth Serum
Does racism make you uncomfortable? Well it should.
Are you turning a blind eye to injustice in our world because it doesn’t affect you? That’s called privilege.
Did you react more to the LOOTING than to the death of George Floyd? This accounts for a small group of people protesting as the majority have spoken out against LOOTING. The issue is RACISM here- don’t distract yourself.
In Conclusion
I don’t have the answers and will not pretend to, but I will not remain silent in the name of injustice and I encourage you all to stand up for it as well.
I don’t condone violence, and I to seek peace in the world, but peace has a price.
Let’s take back the narrative and unite together as one people.
“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. There may be time when we are powerless to prevent injustice but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel
This post is dedicated to anyone who has experienced racism within their lives and to all those who are standing up and speaking out against it in order to implement change. I stand with you and for you.

WOW…great message.
John Salera
Wow Merey, what a great message…. You have eloquently put together a beautiful letter showing your great passion and leadership. Please keep it up as the older generation needs it just as much as your generation as they have had different experiences and sometimes can be close minded but they are good people that need guidance… not your father of couse but just saying. My three daughters feel the same as you and make me so proud the way they stand up. Must be their mothers influence. Good luck helping to unite the country… you are most definitely not alone.
Meredith Gormley
I was hesitant to post but truly I think we all need to unite in solidarity! I am proud of my generation as well and see the positive benefits of us having the tough conversations with generations who grew up differently!! We must all just learn from one another! Thanks so much for your kind words!!
Greta Gormley
Wonderful to use your voice and platform!
Tom Dugan
Well stated and thought out. You should remain confident in your feelings and perspectives about the world around us.
Thoughts like this give hope for the future of the US and the world. Keep the fire burning.
Thanks for sharing!